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XQc Reveals Opinions on the Newest PogChamp Emote

PogChamp Emote Receives Mixed Reactions on Twitch

The PogChamp emote, widely used on Twitch to express surprise or excitement, has recently undergone some changes. Originally, the emote featured a single face, but it has now been replaced with a rotating lineup of different faces that change every 24 hours.

Streamer xQc Offers Critique

Popular Twitch streamer xQc recently shared his thoughts on the new emote during a live stream. He suggested that the emote needs a face on the right side and more energy to truly capture the essence of PogChamp. According to xQc, the current face gives off an uncertain vibe, while the emote should convey a sense of “HOLY SHIT, THIS HAPPENED!”

Multiple Faces Now Represent PogChamp

The current face of the emote belongs to popular Pokemon Go streamer Reversal. However, since the introduction of the rotating lineup on January 8, it has also featured the faces of UnRoolie from YoVideoGames and Twitch ambassador UmiNoKaiju.

Change is Coming

Fortunately for those who are not fans of the current emote, a new face will soon be introduced as part of the rotation. This ensures that the PogChamp emote continues to capture the excitement and surprise that it has become known for on Twitch.