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World of Warcraft Classic: PvP Class Ranking for PvP

Class Tier List for WoW Classic PvP

PvP (player-vs-player) in World of Warcraft is diverse, with each class and specialization having its own strengths and weaknesses. Some classes thrive in battlegrounds, while others excel in World PvP and duels. Here’s our comprehensive class tier list for WoW Classic PvP.

S Tier

Arms Warrior, Frost Mage, Assassination Rogue, and Subtlety Rogue

Warrior, Mage, and Rogue are the top classes in WoW Classic, particularly in the sixth and final phase of the game. They boast high damage, sustainability, and crowd control, making them formidable in battlegrounds, World PvP, and duels.

Although Warriors were lackluster in the early stages of the game, they have become a force to be reckoned with after the Naxxramas unlock. With their damage, mobility, and crowd control abilities, Warriors, especially when paired with a healer, are one of the strongest classes in Classic.

Mages possess excellent crowd control abilities in Classic, combining snares with devastating burst damage. They can polymorph one target, freeze another with Frost Nova, and eliminate them swiftly while constantly staying on the move.

Rogues are similarly powerful in PvP, boasting some of the highest burst damage in the game and an abundance of stuns. As a skill-based class, Rogues truly shine in PvP encounters.

A Tier

Holy Paladin, Demonology Warlock, Destruction Warlock, and Shadow Priest

Holy Paladin is the top PvP class when it comes to healing. They outperform Holy and Discipline Priests, Resto Druids, and Resto Shamans in single-target healing.

Warlocks, especially Demonology and Destruction, are highly underrated in Classic. A well-geared Warlock adept at pet control can outplay opponents easily. The class has a steep learning curve and boasts strong defensive abilities such as Fear, Deathcoil, and Howl of Terror.

Priests are versatile and capable in PvP, with Shadow Priests excelling in particular. They have some of the highest single-target DPS in the game, making them formidable opponents in battlegrounds, World PvP, and duels.

B Tier

Holy Priest, Discipline Priest, Hunter, Elemental Shaman, Restoration Shaman, and Restoration Druid

Hunters have a strong ranged kit with decent-to-high damage, a wide variety of crowd control options, and increased movement speed. However, they struggle when enemies get within a five-yard range, rendering them unable to utilize their melee or ranged abilities.

Elemental Shamans possess incredible burst damage in WoW Classic. With a balance of healing and damage spells, along with an array of totems, shocks, and healing abilities, an Elemental Shaman with the right gear can swiftly burst down enemies.

Restoration Shamans possess similar capabilities to Elemental Shamans, but with a focus on healing. They have noticeable immobility and lengthy casting spells that make them vulnerable, albeit with decent sustainability.

C Tier

Restoration Druid, Feral Druid, and Retribution Paladin

Druids are generally considered one of the weaker classes in Classic PvP. Skilled players can still find success in battlegrounds and duels, but Druids are more exposed compared to other classes. However, Resto Druid is an exception, offering mobility, instant spells, HoTs (heal over time), and crowd control. Although not as powerful as their later expansions, Resto Druids are still a solid choice for PvP.

Feral Druids, unfortunately, perform poorly in Classic. They are inferior versions of Rogues, lacking damage and sufficient crowd control. Feral Druids do possess high mobility and healing abilities, making them suitable for specific tasks such as carrying flags in Warsong Gulch.

Retribution Paladins heavily rely on gear to be effective in PvP. A Paladin equipped with full raiding gear can wreak havoc, but without such gear, their performance leaves much to be desired.

D Tier

Enhancement Shaman and Balance Druid

Enhancement Shamans are comparable to Retribution Paladins in terms of gear dependency. With optimal gear, Windfury can deal significant damage. However, without a good weapon or gear, Enhancement Shamans struggle to make an impact. Although they have decent heals and a powerful snare, there are generally better class options available.

Balance Druids, also known as Oomkins, experience mana issues in PvP. They possess decent damage, crowd control, and healing abilities, but their limited mana pool places them at the bottom of the tier list. Balance Druids were not fully optimized in Vanilla WoW, resulting in their lower performance.