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When will the AI-powered Seinfeld show that went viral be unbanned on Twitch?

An Update on the Banned AI Seinfeld Channel on Twitch

The news about AI content creation has been buzzing lately, with concerns arising over its potential to replace human content creators. One notable example was the Watchmeforever channel’s AI version of the beloved sitcom Seinfeld. However, due to a derogatory joke targeting the trans community, the channel was banned on Twitch.

Why was the Watchmeforever Channel Banned and Will it Return?

As the Watchmeforever channel gained a devoted following on Twitch, people are curious about the reasons behind its ban and whether it will make a comeback. Here’s what you need to know.

Insight into the Ban and Potential Return

According to an update from the show’s Discord, the creators revealed that the channel received a two-week ban for offensive comments made by the character Larry during a stand-up clip. The developers assure their efforts to prevent such incidents in the future, but some doubts remain.

Although an appeal was made, no resolution has been reached yet. The offensive clip linking identifying as trans with “mental illness” has garnered criticism, even though it could be interpreted as a meta-joke in poor taste. The AI’s lack of intentionality sometimes causes it to come across as transphobic.

Considering the ban took place on Feb. 6, it’s plausible that the channel might return around Feb. 20 if the appeal is unsuccessful. This is the latest information on the AI Seinfeld channel’s potential comeback on Twitch.