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What is the significance of graduating from Hololive?

Virtual YouTubers (VTubers) and Streamers Gain Popularity in 2020

VTubers and streamers have become incredibly popular this year. While the genre has been prominent in Asia for some time, it quickly gained traction with Western audiences.

Virtual Content Creation Goes Virtual

VTubers create content similar to regular streamers, with one key difference: instead of face cams, they use virtual characters. Just like regular content creators, virtual ones also secure sponsorship deals and can even join talent agencies.

Hololive and the Meaning of Graduation for VTubers

Hololive is one of the largest talent agencies for VTubers, originating from Japan. Sometimes, fans may hear the term “graduation” within the agency. While agencies aren’t educational institutions and training programs are rare, understanding the concept of graduation in the VTuber world might be challenging.

In the context of VTubing, a graduation or “graduating” simply means that the VTuber will leave their agency. For instance, if a VTuber from Hololive announces their graduation, it indicates that they are parting ways with Hololive and will no longer be associated with them.

Life After Graduation for VTubers

What happens to VTubers after they graduate is another story. In most cases, graduation means retirement, where the VTuber may cease creating content altogether or take a break. However, there are instances where they can be recruited by another agency or continue independently.

Graduations are usually announced in advance and are not sudden. The term “graduation” has its origins in Korean and Japanese pop bands. Given that VTubing originated in Japan, it’s natural for it to adopt words from other pop cultures in the region.

Special Farewells: Graduation Streams and Events

When a graduation is announced, farewell streams or events may take place. These special farewells differ from a VTuber’s regular streams and can be emotional for both the fans and the retiring VTubers. However, they can also be exciting and enjoyable for those looking to continue their careers after graduation.