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What is the meaning of BibleThump on Twitch?

The Twitch culture can be strange. It is filled with memes, emotes, and trends that come and go.

Keeping up with Twitch’s memes and emotes can be challenging. But there are some emotes that stand the test of time and become as popular as Twitch itself, like Kappa.

BibleThump is another one of these emotes. It has been around for a long time and is used in Twitch chats in specific and sometimes upsetting situations. But what does it mean?

Here is the meaning of the BibleThump emote on Twitch.

Twitch ‘BibleThump’ Meaning

BibleThump is an emote used in Twitch chat. The character in the emote is Isaac from the 2011 video game called The Binding of Isaac. This game gained popularity on Twitch, particularly in the speedrun and Let’s Play communities.

Image via Twitch

Because of its replayable nature, The Binding of Isaac was frequently streamed and continues to be streamed on Twitch. BibleThump was added as an emote by Twitch in 2012, making it one of the longest-standing emotes on the platform.

In the game, Isaac constantly cries and uses his tears as projectiles to fight enemies. This is the basis of BibleThump: sadness and crying.

To put it simply, BibleThump is used in Twitch chats whenever the chat reacts to something sad. It could be a sad event in a game, a video a streamer is reacting to, or if the streamer themselves is sad about something. It’s Twitch chat’s way of expressing sadness and sympathy.

So, the next time you see Isaacs filling up your chat window, you’ll know that something sad has occurred and you may want to type “BibleThump” yourself.