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What does ban evasion entail on Twitch?

Twitch’s Discipline System and Ban Evasion

Twitch has a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines to maintain its community standards and ensure user compliance. When users fail to follow these rules, the platform employs a disciplinary system that includes banning and suspending accounts.

Ban Evasion: Avoiding Punishments

However, some users try to avoid punishments by creating secondary accounts. This is known as “ban evasion.” It refers to using Twitch services while one of the user’s accounts is suspended or banned.

Understanding Ban Evasion

Ban evasion can occur in different scenarios, but the concept is simple. If a streamer’s account is suspended or banned on Twitch, they are not allowed to stream on other channels, use Twitch, or appear on other creators’ channels.

Consequences of Ban Evasion

Twitch’s moderation and safety policies explicitly state that owners of suspended accounts cannot watch streams, broadcast, chat, create new accounts, or appear on other channels.

If a person with a banned or suspended Twitch account participates in or appears on another person’s channel, it can lead to a ban for the channel they appear on. This has been seen in cases where content creators were restricted from playing with Dr Disrespect following his suspension.

Another example is when Erobb’s account was suspended while he was at QTCinderella’s Shit Camp, resulting in his inability to appear in Twitch content related to the event.

Consequences of Ban Evasion

The most common form of ban evasion among streamers involves using alternate accounts. Many high-profile Twitch streamers have multiple accounts for streaming purposes or to blend in with other viewers in chatrooms.

If a creator is caught evading a ban, their suspension will be extended, and any accounts associated with the evasion attempt will also face disciplinary actions.

Well-known streamers like Erobb and BruceDropEmOff have faced consequences for ban evasion. Erobb was caught using a secondary account to chat in another streamer’s channel, resulting in an extension of his suspension. Bruce, on the other hand, evaded his ban by using an alternate account to continue broadcasting, leading to a subsequent ban on both his alternate and main channels.