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VTubers express their outrage towards Twitch for wrongly labeling them as ‘AI’ in a recent tweet

Twitch Angers VTuber Community with Misinformed Tweet

Twitch recently sparked outrage within the VTuber community after tweeting about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in VTubing.

The popularity of VTubing on Twitch has skyrocketed, with the category tag ranking among the top five most used in 2022. VTubing involves streamers using animated avatars that come to life through motion capture technology, while they speak and move behind the scenes. However, the details of this relatively new phenomenon seem to have eluded Twitch.

On December 22, Twitch tweeted a video celebrating the top streamers using the VTuber tag. Unfortunately, the caption caused a wave of anger and cringe among the VTubing community. It read: “The VTuber tag brought both avatars and viewers together in one great space, with VTubers growing and creating AI like never before.”

The mention of “creating AI” in the tweet sparked outrage among VTubers, as it seemed that Twitch had a complete misunderstanding and misrepresentation of what VTubing truly is. Tomathin, VShojo’s business development manager, even commented, “Twitch I appreciate the love, but respectfully VTubing has nothing to do with AI at all.”

To many in the VTubing community, the suggestion that they are AI was insulting. One response stated that the statement was not just insulting to the streamer, but also to the artist, the rigger, and anyone else involved in creating the avatar and using motion capture technology. The amount of work behind VTubing goes far beyond just AI, and this sentiment resonated with many VTubers.

What hurt VTubers the most was Twitch’s apparent lack of understanding of VTubing, despite being a streaming platform dedicated to it. It was shocking that the company seemed clueless about a trending phenomenon within its own platform. Many questioned why no one at Twitch took the time to understand one of its most popular tags.

Many replies also questioned if the tweet itself was written by AI. As frustration grew within the VTubing community over Twitch’s lack of understanding and acknowledgement of the hard work put in by artists, streamers, and developers supporting VTubers, many wondered why the tweet was still up.

This incident struck a nerve among VTubers as AI-generated art continues to gain popularity, with artists often being the creators behind VTubers’ avatars.

As of now, the tweet has garnered over 1.6 million views and nearly 2,000 quote retweets, with many VTubers sharing the correct definition of VTubing within their community.