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VTuber Sinder receives overwhelming support amidst targeted harassment campaign

VTuber Sinder Faces Harassment for Trying Something New

Twitch VTuber Sinder experienced a wave of harassment after releasing her own version of the song “CPR” on Twitter. This metal cover gained over 17 million impressions but also attracted negative attention from a community outside her own. Sinder initially mistook the insults and threats as the work of bots, but soon realized it was a group of individuals attempting to put down content creators. Despite the harassment, Sinder decided to continue streaming and addressed the situation with her audience.

Hate Campaign Targets Sinder’s Friends and Supporters

The harassment not only targeted Sinder but also extended to her friends who helped create the cover. This led Sinder to disable comments on her YouTube channel in response to the threats she received there. The hate campaign even attacked members of Sinder’s community who showed support for her. Metal vocalist and VTuber Futakuchi Mana stepped in to defend Sinder and encourage more people to enjoy making metal covers.

VTubing Community Supports Sinder and Encourages Creativity

Members of the VTubing community rallied around Sinder, condemning the hate campaign and welcoming new creative endeavors. Vienna, a former Cloud9 VTuber, expressed support for Sinder’s bravery in trying new things, emphasizing that VTubing is a space for artistic expression. Apex Legends pro turned VTuber rpr also expressed confusion over the constant negativity on social media and urged people to let others live their lives.

Sinder Remains Resilient and Determined to Keep Creating Music

Despite the intense backlash, Sinder remains undeterred and plans to continue making music. She appreciates the engagement and encourages even more views. This experience has not shaken her resolve, and she is determined to keep exploring her creative side.