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Twitch unveils fresh guidelines for branded content – Explained!

New Twitch Branded Content Guidelines Explained

Twitch, the popular streaming platform, has recently introduced new guidelines for branded content. These guidelines aim to provide clarity and transparency for both streamers and viewers. Here’s a breakdown of what these new guidelines mean for the Twitch community:

What are the changes?

Twitch has updated its policy and now requires streamers to disclose any paid promotion or endorsements in their content. This means that streamers must clearly inform their viewers when they are being sponsored or promoting a product or service. The disclosure should be easily noticeable and placed in a way that viewers can easily understand the nature of the content.

Why the changes?

Transparency is an important aspect of building trust within the Twitch community. By implementing these guidelines, Twitch aims to ensure that viewers are aware of any potential commercial influence in the content they watch. This will allow viewers to make informed decisions about the content they engage with and maintain the authenticity of the platform.

How does this affect streamers?

Streamers now need to be more mindful of their obligations when entering into sponsorship or endorsement deals. They must disclose any paid promotions or endorsements during their streams, making it clear to viewers that they are engaging in branded content. Failing to meet these guidelines may lead to consequences such as removal of the content or account suspension.

What does this mean for viewers?

As a viewer, these guidelines provide you with greater transparency regarding the content you consume on Twitch. You will now be informed when a streamer is promoting a product or service, allowing you to assess the authenticity and integrity of the content. This empowers viewers to make well-informed decisions about the creators they choose to support.

Remember, these guidelines are in place to enhance the Twitch experience for both streamers and viewers. By embracing transparency, Twitch hopes to maintain a trustworthy platform where content creators and viewers can connect and thrive.