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Twitch Returns Ads to Amouranth’s Channel

Amouranth’s Advertisements Restored on Twitch After Outrage

Amouranth, a popular hot tub streamer, criticized Twitch earlier this week for removing advertisements from her channel. However, the platform has now reversed its decision, following backlash from the streamer and her followers.

Twitch Admits Mistake in Removing Advertisements

Twitch disabled Amouranth’s ability to run ads on Monday, May 17, without prior notice. This decision was made despite Amouranth being a partner in good standing with the platform. After Amouranth raised this issue on her stream and social media platforms, Twitch responded with a blog post, admitting that they made a mistake by not communicating the change to affected streamers.

Restoration of Advertisements

Following Twitch’s acknowledgement of their mistake, Amouranth’s channel now displays pre-roll ads on VODs once again. These ads have the caption, “Start watching Amouranth right after this ad break; stick around to support the channel!”

Twitch’s Advertising Policies

Twitch clarified that brands advertising on the platform have control over where and when their ads appear. They can choose to target or avoid specific categories of content and can request the suspension of advertising on certain channels. However, Twitch did not mention any specific streamers involved in this incident, including Amouranth.

In addition, Twitch announced the expansion of its categories to include a “Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches” category specifically for streamers like Amouranth who regularly broadcast in swimwear.

Twitch also reiterated its position that hot tub streams do not go against the community guidelines or terms of service. While Twitch has guidelines regarding sexually suggestive content, they stated that being found attractive by others is not a violation of their rules. Twitch emphasized that they will not take enforcement action against women or anyone on their platform based on perceived attractiveness.