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Twitch permanently suspends Narcissawright

Streamer Narcissawright Receives Permanent Suspension from Twitch

Narcissawright, a well-known streamer, has once again been permanently banned by Twitch. This comes after the initial suspension on March 21, which was due to Narcissawright opening a viewer link with NSFW content. Following the ban, the streamer took to Twitter to express disturbing threats towards Twitch employees, stating, “I want to kill myself and shoot people at the Twitch HQ!!! hahahaah!!” Narcissawright later argued that the tweets were not meant to be taken seriously and criticized Twitch for not reaching out.

Mixed Reactions to Twitch’s Decision

Twitch faced criticism for its response to Narcissawright’s behavior. Despite the severity of the threats made, the platform decided to reduce the initial ban from permanent to 22 days. In an email shared by Narcissawright, Twitch stated that the decision was made after the streamer expressed remorse for her statements. However, this decision was met with outrage from several creators, including Mizkif, a Twitch partner and co-founder of OTK.

Another Permanent Suspension

After Narcissawright’s return to Twitch, the streamer once again received a permanent suspension. Narcissawright took to Twitter to share the news, saying, “Twitch gave me another permanent suspension today. I guess all the replyguys hooping and hollering will be happy. I did send an appeal though…” This development has further fueled the debate surrounding Narcissawright’s actions and Twitch’s handling of the situation.

Continued Presence on YouTube

Despite being suspended from Twitch, Narcissawright has maintained an active presence on her YouTube channel.