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Twitch launches 1080p/60fps streaming feature

Twitch Introduces 1080p/60fps Video Support for Better Quality Streams

Twitch, the popular streaming platform, is continuing its streak of updates with the introduction of 1080p/60fps video support. This means viewers can now enjoy higher resolution and smoother videos.

In addition, Twitch is removing its previous 3.5 megabit bitrate limit, paving the way for overall improved video quality. While the recommended bitrate is still between 3 and 6 megabits, broadcasters now have the option to go even higher. A higher bitrate means each frame contains more information, resulting in better image quality.

Twitch now offers more quality options

While this change brings better video quality, it might also lead to dropped frames or laggy quality for viewers with slower internet connections that cannot keep up with the higher bitrate. Ultimately, it is up to the discretion of broadcasters to determine the optimal settings.

Viewers will now have more choices in terms of quality options, but it ultimately depends on the broadcaster’s preferences.

However, Twitch reminds broadcasters, “Remember: with great power comes great responsibility.” Just because you can stream at 1080p and higher bitrates doesn’t mean you should. It’s better to have a stable stream at a lower resolution or bitrate rather than a higher quality stream that drops frames. If you’re unsure, check out our streaming guide and use Twitch Inspector. We promise to provide reliable guidance.”

Twitch plans to roll out 1080p support to all channels in the upcoming weeks, although some broadcasters already have access to the feature.

video quality, Twitch, 1080p support, 60fps, streaming platform, bitrate limit