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Twitch Chat Achieves Remarkable Feat: Successfully Pilots and Lands Plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Twitch Chat Controls Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Twitch chat is known for its lack of organization and structure, especially when it comes to video games. However, there are moments when the community comes together to achieve something impressive, like landing a plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Rami Ismail, the co-founder of Vlambeer, recently organized a stream where Twitch chat had the power to control a Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner in Microsoft Flight Simulator. The chat was able to control the plane’s speed, altitude, and other essential settings to keep it airborne. Surprisingly, the chat successfully took off, kept the plane in the air for a significant amount of time, and even performed a barrel roll.

Additionally, Twitch chat was able to successfully land the plane, a difficult task even for a single player, let alone multiple pilots controlling the aircraft simultaneously. While one player attempted to derail the experience by cutting the engines during takeoff, most participants remained focused on flying the aircraft safely.

It’s worth noting that Twitch chat took a moment to appreciate the stunning graphics as the plane emerged from the clouds, momentarily forgetting their plans to crash or keep the plane aloft.

This experiment demonstrated that Twitch chat can occasionally unite and accomplish a goal instead of descending into chaos and arguments. However, it’s important to remember that the collective mind of Twitch chat may not consistently perform in this manner.