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Trainwreck determined to take action against viewbotters contributing to Kick’s gambling crisis

Trainwreck Aims to Address Viewbotting and Predatory Gambling on Streaming Site Kick

Last year, Trainwreck helped launch the streaming site Kick with the goal of providing streamers with better revenue split and more freedom compared to platforms like Twitch and YouTube.

However, Kick has faced criticism due to one of its investors being an owner of an online casino, leading some to believe that the site is simply promoting gambling. Trainwreck, however, stands by the platform and is actively working to make it everything he promised it would be.

Addressing the Issue of Viewbotting

One of the major issues Trainwreck is trying to fix on Kick is viewbotting, particularly when it is done by streamers who promote “predatory gambling.”

Although he did not name a specific streamer, fans believe Trainwreck may be referring to ROSHTEIN, who has been accused of viewbotting based on discrepancies in viewer numbers when he streams on both Twitch and Kick simultaneously.

Trainwreck believes that small amounts of viewbotting, such as 2,000 to 3,000 viewers, are negligible. However, when it reaches 15,000 to 20,000 viewers and the content is pushing a predatory gambling style, he sees it as a problem that needs to be addressed.

Active Efforts to Find a Solution

Trainwreck is determined to find a fix for viewbotting on Kick. He stated, “I don’t like that, so I’m going to actively push to find a fix for that as soon as possible, especially since my name is attached to it and since I’m pretty much at this moment the face of it.”

Ongoing Challenges

Unfortunately, Trainwreck has not yet convinced the owners of Kick to take action against viewbotting. He explains that they are waiting for “definitive proof” due to “plausible deniability.”

Despite these challenges, Trainwreck is not backing down. He remains committed to addressing the issue, even in the face of criticism suggesting that he is only doing it to “cover himself” or that it is ironic since he also gambles on his streams.