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The Memorable United Delta Stream Squad will continue to stream weekly

Delta Fox Dream Meme Stream Team Returns for Casual Fun

If you’re a fan of the Delta Fox Dream Meme Stream Team, you’ll be thrilled to know that they will be playing Flex Queue and other fun game modes every Monday at 3pm ET. The best part is, they will be streaming it on their Twitch channels. So, mark your calendars and get ready for some exciting action!

The Rise of Delta Fox Dream Meme Stream Team

When Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana, William “scarra” Li, Danny “Shiphtur” Le, Marcus “Dyrus” Hill, and Joedat “Voyboy” Esfahani announced their participation in Echo Fox’s Challenger Team, the League of Legends community went wild with anticipation. However, the journey didn’t turn out as expected.

Disappointments and Challenges

Firstly, Riot streamed only a few NA CS games, making it difficult for fans to follow the dream team’s gameplay. Secondly, the team struggled to secure any wins throughout the split. This is not to say that they are bad players, but they prioritized streaming over practice, putting them at a disadvantage compared to other well-prepared teams in the league.

A Fresh Start and Casual Fun

With a more relaxed stream schedule that doesn’t revolve around the NA CS, these challenges will become a thing of the past. The team can now focus on enjoying the game, and the viewers can watch and cheer for them without missing out.

Join the Action

The new schedule has already begun, so if you missed the first stream, don’t worry. Tune in next Monday to catch all the meme-fueled action, support your favorite players, and have a great time!

related keywords: Delta Fox, Dream Meme Stream Team, Twitch, Flex Queue, game modes, Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana, William “scarra” Li, Danny “Shiphtur” Le, Marcus “Dyrus” Hill, Joedat “Voyboy” Esfahani, Echo Fox’s Challenger Team, League of Legends, NA CS, Riot, streaming, practice, casual, viewers, gameplay, enjoyable, support