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Streamer’s Days Gone gameplay sabotaged by perfectly-timed glitch

Twitch Streamer Ezekiel_III Gets Ambushed by Freakers in Days Gone

Things didn’t go according to plan for Twitch streamer Ezekiel_III yesterday as he tried to evade a horde of enemies in the popular game, Days Gone.

While exploring an indoor bunker, Ezekiel stumbled upon an exit. He swung open the door, only to find a group of freakers (the game’s zombies) charging towards him.

“Close the door, close the door,” he yelled. He cautiously moved forward to trigger the button prompt for closing the door, but those few extra steps sealed his fate.

As the door closed, it unexpectedly phased through Ezekiel’s character and shut behind him, leaving him completely vulnerable to the approaching enemies.

Despite the loud sound of the attacking freaker horde drowning out his commentary, it appeared that Ezekiel exclaimed, “Oh god, close it with me in it, you fucking idiot.”

Within moments of his futile attempt to escape, around 10 freakers swarmed him, resulting in the death screen as soon as his character hit the ground.

At that point, all Ezekiel could do was burst into laughter at how quickly the situation escalated from under control to an absolute disaster.

Twitch streamer, Days Gone, zombies, ambush, freakers, disaster, laughter.