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Streamer’s Dance Mishap Blamed on Unexpected Floor Hole

Twitch Streamers Encounter Dangerous Mishap During Just Dance Stream

Twitch-streaming duo TwoAngryGamersTV recently experienced a shocking incident during their celebratory Just Dance stream. While performing a dance move, one of the streamers got caught in a hole in the floor and was briefly dragged out of frame.

Tommy and Bongeh were commemorating their five-year Twitch partnership with a variety of games, including Just Dance.

Ironically, the mishap occurred during their performance of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger.”

While attempting a dance move resembling jumping rope, Bongeh (on the right in the clip) accidentally stepped into a large hole in the floor, causing him to disappear from the frame dramatically.

(Clip is muted due to a copyright claim on Twitch)

In an instant, Bongeh vanished while emitting a comically dramatic scream. Meanwhile, Tommy continued dancing, unsure if the incident was serious or if it was appropriate to laugh.

Despite the unexpected obstacle, Bongeh managed to crawl back into his chair and complete the last two moves of the song.

“I finished,” he exclaimed, his face covered in sweat and pain.

Later in the stream, Bongeh revealed that he twisted his foot when he accidentally stepped into the hole that caused his dramatic fall.

Acts of bravery and teamwork like this are rare, so let us appreciate Bongeh’s sacrifice in the name of Just Dance.

Related Twitch streamers, Just Dance, mishap, dancing incident, teamwork, bravery