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Streamer Successfully Completes Super Mario 64 with a Single-Button Controller

Rudeism Beats Super Mario 64 Using a Single Button

Dylan “Rudeism” is famous for transforming everyday objects into controllers for games like Overwatch and Dark Souls.

In his latest endeavor, Rudeism managed to defeat Super Mario 64 using only one button. Although it may sound simple, completing the game was a significant challenge for him.

Jumping, flying, dodging—all the actions required to complete Super Mario 64 were bound to one red button. With multiple actions assigned to a single button, Rudeism used different button press combinations to differentiate between movements. Essentially, he relied on Morse code to control Mario. By using long and short button presses, he successfully maneuvered Mario through the game.

It took Rudeism about six hours to conquer the game, despite the challenging restrictions he imposed on himself. While many struggle to finish the game within six hours using a regular controller, it was just another achievement for Rudeism.

The game designer from New Zealand has previously used various controllers to play games, but he gained recognition for his achievements in Overwatch. There, he embodied the personalities of different heroes using unconventional controllers. He played as Mercy with a broom and controlled Winston using bananas.

While some struggle without traditional controllers, Rudeism is clearly excelling. Now that he has completed Super Mario 64, fans eagerly anticipate his next innovative project.

Rudeism, Super Mario 64, game designer, Overwatch, unconventional controllers