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Streamer invites viewers to throw ping pong balls at him in exchange for bit donations

Twitch Streamer Encourages Bit Donations with Ping Pong Ball Challenge

Twitch streamer IZIDORE has found a clever way to incentivize his audience to donate bits to his channel while also putting his own patience to the test. He allows viewers to shoot ping pong balls at his head.

Bits are Twitch’s microtransactions that users can purchase to give to streamers. Unlike other forms of donation, Twitch users can distribute the bits they buy across multiple creators. Plus, bits are more affordable, with 100 bits costing $1.00 USD.

The Ingenious Solution to Eliciting Bit Donations

Although bits are widely available on Twitch, creators often struggle to receive bit donations compared to other forms of support like subscriptions. However, streamer IZIDORE may have found the solution.

The Ping Pong Ball Challenge

IZIDORE came up with a clever setup by placing a baseball pitching machine above his PC and streaming gear. He programmed the machine to launch a ping pong ball at his head whenever a specific number of bits were donated to the channel.

During his demonstration, IZIDORE can be seen practicing his soccer headers as a barrage of bit-propelled table tennis balls come his way. With each 100 bits donated, two ping pong balls are launched across the room. The chat was clearly entertained by this unique content, leading to a flood of bit donations to his channel.

IZIDORE didn’t stop after the demonstration. He continued his stream with the ping pong ball challenge, leaving himself open to surprise ping pong ball attacks at any moment. While we may not see a ping pong ball meta on Twitch, it’s definitely a creative way to inspire viewers to donate.