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Streamer completes a 36-day long subathon, cycling over 2,000 miles on Twitch

Australian Twitch Streamer Completes Unique Subathon by Cycling Across Japan

Australian Twitch streamer robcdee has successfully completed his 36-day long subathon, during which he cycled across Japan covering a total of 2,020 miles. As his subathon came to an end, robcdee took the opportunity to share a special message with his viewers.

Subathons, although widely debated, have become a popular trend in the streaming community. Streamers extend the duration of their streams when viewers subscribe or gift subscriptions to their channels, resulting in additional time being added to the broadcast.

In a unique twist to the subathon trend, robcdee, an IRL streamer, introduced the concept of a ‘cycleathon’. Instead of adding time, robcdee added distance for each subscription. With every subscription to his channel, 200 meters were added, and individual donations contributed an additional 40 meters for every dollar donated.

Streaming for approximately nine hours a day, robcdee covered a distance of 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles) in just twenty-four days. While most of his stream was spent cycling, he also took the opportunity to showcase the different locations he visited in Japan during his journey.

On June 11, robcdee successfully reached the end of his month-long trip, returning to his starting point just outside the Yokohama area. Reflecting on his subathon, robcdee expressed his surprise as he initially expected the cycleathon to last only a week. However, the stream and the community exceeded his expectations.

Before concluding the broadcast, robcdee revealed that the unique route he took to complete his journey was actually a secret message in the shape of a heart, dedicated to his Twitch chat.