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PewDiePie reacts to Joe Rogan’s remarks about video games

PewDiePie Responds to Joe Rogan’s Video Game Argument

PewDiePie, one of the biggest content creators on YouTube, has recently shared his thoughts on the video game argument sparked by comedian Joe Rogan.

Rogan faced criticism when he claimed that video games are a “waste of time” compared to other hobbies during a podcast with author Joe De Sena. According to Rogan, playing video games will not lead to any personal improvement or future success.

Explaining his viewpoint, Rogan stated, “Video games are a real problem because they’re fucking fun… you do them, and they’re real exciting, but you don’t get anywhere.”

Rogan used the example of practicing jiu-jitsu as a hobby that could improve physical health and teach valuable skills, unlike playing video games. These comments received backlash from many in the gaming community, including Ninja.

In response, PewDiePie released a new video on his YouTube channel, sharing his take on the situation. He took a neutral stance, considering both sides of the debate while also poking fun at Rogan’s jiu-jitsu example.

PewDiePie understood Rogan’s point but criticized the jiu-jitsu example as the “worst ever.” He emphasized that you don’t have to be skilled at gaming to make a living from it.

However, PewDiePie acknowledged the importance of finding a balance in gaming. While video games can be enjoyable and a great hobby, excessive indulgence can be detrimental. PewDiePie encouraged aspiring gamers and hobbyists to maintain a healthy balance in their gaming pursuits.

“But I don’t want to sell people on the pipe dream that it’s possible for everyone, because it isn’t,” PewDiePie remarked. “I guess what I’m saying is find a balance. By all means, enjoy video games, it’s a great hobby, it’s super fun… But also find a balance.”