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‘No Longer Respected’: NICKMERCS Criticizes Hasan for Remarks about Dr Disrespect

NICKMERCS Controversy: Two More Streamers Get Involved

It has been almost two weeks since NICKMERCS posted a controversial tweet on June 7 in response to a Pride Month protest. Now, two other popular streamers have become embroiled in this controversy.

Original Tweet Backlash

Nick’s original tweet, which stated “They should leave little children alone,” received a lot of criticism online. As a result, Activision removed his creator’s bundle from Warzone and Modern Warfare II. If you’re not up to date, check out our complete timeline and explanation of the NICKMERCS and CoD controversy.

Support from Other Streamers

However, a few content creators, like DrDisrespect and TimTheTatman, showed their support. While Tim asked Activision to remove his creator’s bundle from the game stores (which they did), the Doc uninstalled the game to demonstrate solidarity.

DrDisrespect vs. HasanAbi

DrDisrespect’s actions did not sit well with fellow streamer HasanAbi. Hasan responded, saying, “He’s more loyal to NICKMERCS’ having his skin than his own wife,” alluding to allegations of DrDisrespect’s infidelity.


During his return stream on June 19, NICKMERCS addressed the topic. He said, “Have your opinions; we can agree to disagree, you can say the things you want to say of course. But it’s the guy’s anniversary, and you’re saying shit like that?”

Nick even messaged Hasan privately and declared that Hasan is “dead to me.”

NICKMERCS may not be too bothered by his strained relationship with Hasan, but he does express regret about how this controversy has affected everyone. He said, “My actions and the things that I’ve said kind of dragged everybody in it. So again I kind of feel bad about the crossfire.”