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NMP recounts uncomfortable interaction with event personnel at TwitchCon

Nick Polom Recounts Awkward Encounter at TwitchCon

Nick Polom recently shared the “cringiest encounter” he had at TwitchCon, highlighting a back-and-forth with an event worker that he found confrontational.

As Polom was leaving the venue, a woman approached him and insisted that he couldn’t exit through the door he was using. She claimed there was no back entrance and he had to leave through the front.

Despite explaining to the woman that he was in the right place, she persisted in preventing him from using the exit. It wasn’t until she saw his badge that she apologized and allowed him to leave.

Polom’s girlfriend, Malena, stated that the woman wasn’t overly adversarial and was polite once she saw their credentials. However, Polom argued that the interaction shouldn’t have happened at all.

“I had to argue with this lady when she should have just looked at my badge instantly,” Polom expressed his frustration.

It’s not surprising that the venue’s staff might be strict in such circumstances. In fact, an IRL streamer who was still at the venue after the event ended reported several instances of entitled and unruly attendees interacting with the staff.