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New Wave of DMCA Takedown Notices Issued to Twitch Streamers

Music Publishers Issue DMCA Takedown Notices to Twitch Streamers

Recently, music publishers sent out approximately 1,000 DMCA takedown notifications to streamers on Twitch. The platform responded by sending an email to affiliates and partners, informing them about the notices and providing guidance on protecting their channels.

Notifications Related to VODs, Not Livestreams

The notifications primarily targeted videos-on-demand (VODs), rather than livestreams. Most of these notices were sent to streamers who had music playing in the background while gaming or creating other content.

Twitch believes that the publishing companies utilized automated tools to identify and track copyrighted music, leading to the issuance of these notices.

“We are actively speaking with music labels about solutions that could work for creators as well as rights holders. This is our first such contact from the music publishing industry, and we are disappointed they decided to send takedowns when we are willing and ready to speak to them about solutions,” reads the email from Twitch.

Publishers Unspecified in DMCA Takedown Notices

Twitch did not disclose the names of the publishers responsible for sending the DMCA takedown notices in its email.

Twitch Takes Measures to Address Copyright Concerns

Following previous instances of mass notices, Twitch has implemented various changes to assist creators in removing VODs that may contain copyrighted material for review.

The platform has also initiated a search for an executive experienced in handling music rights issues.

Streamers Advised to Avoid Unauthorized Music and Remove Infringing VODs

Currently, the only solution provided by Twitch to streamers is to avoid streaming music for which they do not have the rights, and to delete any VODs that may include copyrighted materials.

Twitch operates under a three-strike system regarding copyright issues. If a channel accumulates three copyright strikes, it may face termination.