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New Features Added to Battle for Azeroth with World of Warcraft Patch 8.3 Release

Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.3: What to Expect

For most World of Warcraft players, Battle for Azeroth has not lived up to its predecessor, Legion. However, Patch 8.3 aims to address some of the game’s issues and provide new and exciting content. If you’ve been turned off by BFA’s gameplay, now is the perfect time to give it another chance.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Allied Races

Patch 8.3 introduces two new allied races: Mechagnomes for the Alliance and Vulpera for the Horde. Mechagnomes are Gnomes who have integrated steampunk-like technology into their bodies, while Vulpera are adorable fox-like creatures from Vol’dune. To unlock these races, you’ll need to earn exalted reputation with their respective factions.

Ny’alotha, the Waking City

Ny’alotha, the Waking City is the highly anticipated raid in Patch 8.3. Throughout the expansion, the Old God N’Zoth has been pulling the strings of BFA, and now players will finally face him in this 12-boss raid. Though the raid will initially be time-gated, it will become available in the coming weeks.

Horrific Visions

Horrific Visions is a new instanced content inspired by Legion’s Mage Tower challenges. Designed for one to five players, it offers a unique and skill-based experience. As you progress through Horrific Visions, you can track your achievements and receive rewards.

Legendary Cloak

Wrathion, the son of Deathwing, makes a return in Patch 8.3. He will provide players with a Legendary cloak that can be upgraded through various activities. The cloak’s appearance will change at ranks five and 10.

Image via Wowhead

In addition to these features, Patch 8.3 includes Worgen and Goblin Heritage armor, a Pet Battle Dungeon, and a wide range of new mounts, toys, and transmog options. If you were initially put off by BFA’s systems, Patch 8.3 is designed to address those concerns.

If you’re interested in giving Battle for Azeroth another chance, now is the time. This is the most refined version of BFA yet. You can find all the patch notes here.

You can start exploring Patch 8.3, Visions of N’Zoth, in World of Warcraft right now.