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Ludwig weighs in on Twitch-YouTube rivalry: ‘Live viewership is irrelevant’

Ludwig shares his take on the Twitch vs. YouTube streaming battle

Ludwig Ahgren, a popular Twitch streamer, recently spoke out about the ongoing rivalry between Twitch and YouTube in terms of live viewership. According to Ludwig, the number of live viewers doesn’t hold significant importance.

In a recent stream, Ludwig emphasized that it’s not the number of live viewers that defines success, but rather the overall impact and engagement with the audience. He believes that streamers should focus more on building a dedicated community rather than fixating solely on live viewership numbers.

Ludwig compares the streaming platforms, stating that while Twitch might excel in live viewership with its massive user base, YouTube provides a more valuable long-term strategy. He elaborated that YouTube’s algorithm allows content creators to reach a wider audience even after the live stream has ended. This means that streamers can continue to generate views and engage with viewers long after the initial stream has concluded.

The popular streamer further adds that live viewership doesn’t guarantee success for a streamer. It may garner attention in the short term, but building a strong and dedicated community is what truly matters. Ludwig emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive and engaging environment that keeps viewers coming back for more.

Transitioning to a different platform like YouTube can also provide streamers with new opportunities and potentially expose their content to a different audience. Ludwig highlights the benefits of diversifying streaming platforms to maximize reach and leave a lasting impact on the audience.

In summary, Ludwig’s perspective on the Twitch vs. YouTube streaming battle brings attention to the fact that live viewership numbers should not be the sole metric for success. Building a dedicated community, generating long-term engagement, and leveraging the benefits of different platforms are more valuable for streamers in the long run.