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Ludwig cautions Twitch stars against switching to YouTube without ensuring one crucial factor

YouTube Star Ludwig Ahgren Supports the Platform but Highlights its Flaws

Popular YouTube personality Ludwig Ahgren recently made a surprising move to Google-owned YouTube in November 2021. He believes that YouTube has the potential to become the top platform in the esports industry.

However, Ahgren acknowledges that YouTube is not without its flaws. The 27-year-old star has pointed out some issues that he believes the platform needs to address. Until these problems are resolved, he doesn’t think it’s wise for Twitch stars to switch platforms.

Unless one condition is met—getting paid a generous amount.

Screengrab via The Yard on YouTube

During an episode of Cold Ones on October 23, Ahgren stated, “I mean, switching over raw sucks. If you switch from Twitch to YouTube today without any financial incentives, it’s a noticeably worse experience in some aspects.”

Ahgren did not elaborate on these issues, but earlier in the conversation, he mentioned that YouTube is slow in implementing new features due to its large size as a company. He described it as a “bloated ass company with thousands of employees that take six months to do something.”

To address these concerns, Ahgren took matters into his own hands and created Truffle.TV, an extension that enhances the viewer experience on YouTube by incorporating features such as emotes, name colors, raids, and more—similar to Twitch.

Interestingly, YouTube didn’t seem to have any issues with Ahgren’s extension initially.

“YouTube has reached out a few times,” Ahgren revealed. “They ask what we’re up to, we tell them, and they’re like, ‘Cool!'”

Despite this, Ahgren believes that the most enticing thing YouTube can offer streamers is financial compensation until they demonstrate initiative and introduce similar features themselves.

Nearly a year since joining YouTube, Ahgren is still trying to find his footing. He recently realized that the content strategy he used on Twitch might not be the most effective approach.

Fortunately, Ahgren’s financial situation has been successful due to the substantial compensation he received upon joining YouTube, as well as being one of the biggest streamers in the world.

However, Ahgren advises others to carefully consider their options before making a similar switch.