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Limit’s World of Warcraft Race to World First progression hindered by frustrating bugs

Complexity Limit Faces Frustration in World of Warcraft’s Ny’alotha Raid

Complexity Limit is on the brink of defeating N’Zoth, the final boss of World of Warcraft’s Ny’alotha raid, which would mark their first-ever World First achievement. However, their journey hasn’t been without its challenges.

During their progression towards the final phase, the guild encountered numerous bugs and hotfixes by Blizzard, adding to their frustration.

While consistently bringing the boss’s health down to around 25 percent, the guild was unsure of what the next phase of the fight entailed. They speculated the possibility of a return of the secret phase they had encountered in the previous week.

On a few successful pulls, with the boss’s health at 25.5 percent, the guild noticed the reactivation of the portal leading to the hidden phase. Additionally, a barrier appeared around the boss, reminiscent of the previous secret phase.

This unexpected development forced the guild to rethink their strategy, ensuring they had access to the portal when it became active.

However, it turned out that Blizzard did not intend for the fight to revert to the secret phase. As the group adjusted their approach, they realized that the boss no longer gained a barrier at 25 percent HP.

Shortly after, Blizzard sent them an email clarifying that the fight does not transition back to the secret phase. Instead, Limit must focus on burning the boss down as quickly as possible, as the battlefield becomes filled with lethal pools of black ichor. The final phase of the fight then becomes a race to deal damage and finish the encounter.

While Limit’s GM, Max, felt relieved to finally have a clear plan to end the fight, he expressed dissatisfaction with the time lost due to the sudden changes in the instance.

Max expressed his frustration, saying, “If they want the fight to be like that, you know they changed it from what it was right. They changed the boss… You were just supposed to kill him the whole time. That’s what they said. So what we did for the first 200 pulls, they just changed their mind or something… It’s been bad before, but this is just a completely different level.”

As of now, Limit has attempted to defeat N’Zoth 219 times, with the boss’s health dropping as low as 18 percent. Method, their main competition, has attempted it 137 times and achieved a 48 percent health achievement on their best pull.

Complexity Limit, N’Zoth, World of Warcraft, Ny’alotha raid, bugs, hotfixes, secret phase, guild, strategy, Blizzard, final boss, damage race, competitive gaming, Method.