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KingRichard accused of not paying designer for Twitch channel rebrand

Apex Legends Streamer Accused of Failing to Pay for Twitch Channel Rebrand

Richard “KingRichard” Nelson, a popular streamer and winner of multiple Apex Legends tournaments, has been accused of not paying for motion design work that he had contracted for his Twitch channel at the end of 2018.

Gabe “G4K,” a designer, claimed that he and his team were hired to work on KingRichard’s Twitch rebrand and had received approval for their work. However, Richard did not pay for the services rendered. Gabe stated that Richard used their work for a week and then replaced it with another design without compensating them. Gabe posted a video today to share his side of the story.

In his video, Gabe mentioned that Richard had initially contacted him for the rebrand. After going through several calls and changes, they reached an agreement. Gabe said that Richard had clear ideas about the logo, which was eventually approved. Gabe and his team then started working on sub alerts, donations, bits, and the intro for the channel, with everything being approved multiple times.

According to Gabe, Richard paid 10 percent of the total cost of the project in advance. However, a few days later, Richard’s manager informed Gabe that they were not satisfied with the work and refused to pay the rest. Gabe tried to reach out to the manager and Richard himself for payment, but they were unresponsive. Gabe expressed his disappointment, emphasizing the need for respect towards artists in the industry.

Contrary to Gabe’s claims, KingRichard stated during a live stream that there was more to the situation than just payment. He accused Gabe of defaming his character and said that he would not pay for the services now. Richard asserted that he had wanted to rebrand his channel and his brother, who serves as his manager, had found Gabe’s company.

Richard further explained that he did not believe Gabe’s company could fulfill his requirements because they did not have relevant work in their portfolio. He claimed that nothing from the original project was right and had to be changed because Gabe’s team was unable to deliver. Richard decided to drop the project and move on while leaving his deposit with them. He assured that he was not using any of Gabe’s company’s assets and denied being involved in any scam.

Update April 2 at 1:13 pm CT: Additional information regarding KingRichard’s perspective.

Apex Legends, streamer, Richard “KingRichard” Nelson, accused, motion design work, Twitch channel, rebrand, Gabe “G4K,” payment dispute