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Keemstar discloses reasons for retirement from YouTube

YouTube Legend Keemstar Retires from DramaAlert after 13 Years

After entertaining audiences for nearly 13 years, Keemstar has announced his retirement from DramaAlert, his popular YouTube channel. In a recent video, he explained that the main reason behind his decision is that he is no longer enjoying the platform. DramaAlert has been known for its coverage of influencer gossip and gaming news since its launch in 2009.

The Rise of Cancel Culture: Keemstar’s Final Straw

According to Keemstar, the rise of cancel culture during the pandemic played a significant role in his retirement. He believes that this culture has made it socially acceptable for viewers to contact sponsors and pressure them to withdraw endorsements. As a result, the influencer space has become devoid of any real drama or conflict, which was a key appeal of DramaAlert.

Losing Sponsors: A Challenge for Influencers

Last year, Keemstar lost his GFuel sponsorship after Ethan Klein from H3H3 released a video accusing him of exploiting someone’s death for content. Keemstar views this as a turning point where influencers became more cautious about speaking their minds, as their sponsorships were now at stake. He believes that many influencers have transformed into “walking, talking commercials” and criticized TikTok star Noah Beck for being inauthentic.

A Decline in Commentary Channels and the YouTube Algorithm

Keemstar has observed a decline in commentary channels due to the perceived lack of drama. To please the YouTube algorithm, many creators have shifted their content towards longer docuseries formats. Keemstar also highlights YouTube’s moves towards recommending content and the addition of opt-in bell notifications, which he believes create a distracted mindset and give YouTube more power over what viewers consume.

As of March 8th, 2022, Keemstar’s 40th birthday, he will be retiring from DramaAlert in order to spend more time with his family and pursue other interests, such as boxing. He is currently in search of a replacement host for the DramaAlert channel, as the job has required him to be constantly on-call.