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JustaMinx criticizes streamers supporting Sliker: ‘He’s being enabled’

Twitch Streamer ItsSliker’s Debts Exposed, Reactions Differ Among Streamers

Twitch streamer ItsSliker has recently been called out for owing money to various creators and fans due to a gambling addiction. While some high-profile streamers, such as xQc and Ludwig, have said they will help pay off his debts, JustaMinx has a different perspective.

JustaMinx Criticizes Repayment Efforts by Other Streamers

Minx expressed her concerns about streamers like xQc and Ludwig trying to repay Sliker’s debts. She believes that while their efforts may offer Sliker a way out, they are laughing and joking about the situation without considering the people who were actually affected by his actions. Despite acknowledging that she is also a rich streamer, Minx questions their sincerity.

Minx Questions the Effectiveness of Coddling Sliker

Minx further explained her viewpoint by suggesting that simply repaying Sliker’s debts and enabling his behavior won’t truly help him. While it may reimburse those he scammed, Minx believes that if Sliker indeed has a gambling addiction, his friends’ actions will only worsen the situation. Drawing from her personal experience with a family member who struggles with gambling addiction, Minx highlights the danger of enabling such behavior.

Uncertainty Surrounds Sliker’s Future

Sliker has allegedly borrowed over $200,000 from multiple individuals throughout the past two years, even turning down a sponsorship from a gambling company to pay off his debts. The situation remains unresolved as the streaming community grapples with how to handle Sliker’s debts and address the larger issue of gambling addiction within the industry.