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Is it possible for a Twitch streamer to enhance their own stream?

Twitch Expands Testing of “Boost this Stream” Feature to Include Donations

Twitch is now allowing certain streamers to receive monetary donations through its experimental feature called “Boost this stream.”

While currently limited to selected streamers and activated by Twitch itself, this feature provides channels with an opportunity to gain more exposure on the platform in exchange for money.

How Does the “Boost this Stream” Event Work?

Twitch initiates the “Boost this stream” event by sending a notification to streamers’ dashboards. Once the event starts, viewers can donate to the challenge, which increases the potential visibility of a stream on Twitch’s front page.

Possibility of Self-Boosting

It is unclear whether streamers can contribute to their own “Boost this stream” event directly. However, some streamers have alternate Twitch accounts that they can use to participate in boosting their own stream. By logging into their second account from a different computer, they can hypothetically increase their own stream’s visibility.

Controlled by Twitch, Limited Access for Streamers

As of now, Twitch has complete control over granting access to the boost feature. If the feature becomes widely available, it will likely still be limited to streams that Twitch chooses to start the event for.

Therefore, both streamers and viewers are unlikely to have the freedom to start their own “Boost this stream” campaign, ensuring a fair and less exploitable system.