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Hasan surpasses $500,000 in donations to aid earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

HasanAbi Starts Fundraiser to Support Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria

Popular content creator Hasan “HasanAbi” Piker has initiated a fundraiser to collect funds for the individuals affected by the earthquakes that struck Eastern Turkey and Syria on February 6. The goal of this fundraiser is to provide support to his home country and Syria, both of which have been severely impacted by the natural disasters. HasanAbi has carefully chosen charities such as CARE Turkey, CARE Syria, and AKUT & Ahbap to benefit from the funds collected. Currently, the fundraiser has raised over $596,000.

Wide Support from Content Creators

During a recent stream on February 6, HasanAbi emphasized that he has chosen organizations that are not affiliated with the Turkish government to ensure that the donations reach those who are in need. The fundraiser is designed to be easily accessible, allowing donors to contribute using credit cards or PayPal. HasanAbi himself has already donated $25,000 and many other content creators, including Valkyrae, JackSepticEye, Ludwig, and tarik, have also participated in the fundraising efforts.

The Devastating Impact of the Earthquakes

On February 6, two powerful earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.5 struck Eastern Turkey and Syria. These earthquakes have resulted in a significant loss of life, with the official death toll surpassing 5,000 according to reports. Rescue operations are currently underway, with over 24,400 individuals involved in search and rescue efforts. Thousands of buildings have collapsed, potentially leaving tens of thousands of people trapped under the rubble.

The fundraiser initiated by HasanAbi provides an opportunity for people around the world to come together and support the victims of these devastating earthquakes. Donations made to reputable organizations will undoubtedly make a difference in the lives of those affected by this tragedy.