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Hasan achieves remarkable Twitch milestone without any celebrations

HasanAbi Becomes Twitch’s Most Subscribed Streamer

HasanAbi has officially claimed the top spot as the most subscribed streamer on Twitch, with over 71,000 active subscribers, according to Twitch Tracker. However, Hasan didn’t express any excitement about this achievement during his recent broadcast.

Upon learning about this milestone, Hasan quickly downplayed it, citing his desire to avoid online hate from critics who use his success to criticize his political views.

Haters and Criticism

Hasan is well-known for his critical commentary on capitalism and his support for socialist reform. Unfortunately, his success on Twitch has often led to criticism, with people accusing him of being a hypocrite for thriving in a capitalistic system.

The Impact of Subscribers on Income

The number of active subscribers directly contributes to a streamer’s monthly income. Hasan’s 71,000-plus supporters can be translated into a substantial monthly income, potentially reaching hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Avoiding Controversy and Hate

When some of his fans tried to celebrate his achievement, Hasan declined their enthusiasm. He explained that while he appreciates their support, celebrating could incite negative reactions from online trolls. He doesn’t want to deal with accusations of flaunting his wealth or being labeled a hypocrite.

For Hasan, the hate from internet commenters detracts from his content, as he is constantly forced to address and respond to criticism. As evidence, he even looked at a Twitter post from a fan sharing the news, which already had numerous negative replies.