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Guide: Unfollowing a User on Twitch

How to Follow and Unfollow Channels on Twitch

Improving your Twitch experience is as easy as curating the list of channels you follow. Whether you want to add new favorites or remove old ones, following and unfollowing on Twitch is a simple process.

Following someone on Twitch is a breeze. It only takes a click of a button, which you can find on your screen. However, unfollowing someone might not be as obvious.

Following a Channel

To follow a channel on Twitch, locate the purple “Follow” button in the bottom right corner of your screen. It has a heart icon next to it. By clicking this button, you will become a follower of the channel. The channels you follow will appear under your “Following” tab, and you will receive recommendations whenever these channels are live.

(image via Twitch)

Once you click the “Follow” button, it will turn gray. The heart icon will change from an outline to a filled, white heart icon.

Unfollowing a Channel

To unfollow a channel, hover over the white heart icon where the “Follow” button used to be. Clicking this icon will turn it light red and display the word “Unfollow.” The heart will incorporate a break running through the middle of it. After clicking, the icon will revert back to the larger purple button it was before you followed the channel.

(image via Twitch)

Once you unfollow a channel, you will no longer receive notifications when it goes live, and it will no longer be recommended to you. However, if you change your mind, you can always re-follow the channel.