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Greekgodx objects to Twitch’s two-week ban, xQc advises him to ‘calm down’

Greekgodx Suspended from Twitch for Controversial Behavior

Greekgodx has recently been suspended from Twitch for a period of two weeks, following a controversial incident. The streamer, however, has contested the reasons behind his ban.

During a livestream in Greece on July 28, Greekgodx walked past a family and made unintelligible sounds. Some viewers believed that these sounds were a mockery of Asian languages. Greekgodx denied this claim, stating that the family was not Asian and even citing his own alleged Asian background as a defense against racist accusations. Despite his protests, Greekgodx’s Twitch channel remained suspended.

One day later, Greekgodx revealed that his Twitch channel will remain banned for two weeks and that he was officially suspended for hateful conduct. He has submitted an appeal to potentially reduce the length of his ban. Furthermore, Greekgodx called for all streamers who mock or parody any language to be held accountable for hateful conduct as well.

“If I hear a single streamer mock a British accent, I’m gonna freak out. That is 100% racist from now on,” stated the banned streamer.

In response to Greekgodx’s tweet, popular streamer and former frequent collaborator xQc defended Twitch’s decision to ban Greekgodx. xQc compared Greekgodx’s stance on accents to the usage of racial slurs.

“History of usage, intention, etc. play a big role in that dynamic. Stop being a fuckass and get a grip, will you? We know this isn’t you. Fuck off,” responded xQc.

While xQc continued to debate with Greekgodx’s followers in the replies, the banned streamer himself did not comment further after reporting the ban initially.