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‘Former 100 Thieves Member Classify Offers Insight into Nadeshot-Froste Clash: Emphasizing People, Personality, and Passion’

Former The Mob Member Accuses 100 Thieves of Being “Predatory”

In the past 24 hours, Froste, a former member of The Mob, has called out 100 Thieves, the organization he used to be a part of, for their “predatory” practices during their time together.

Nadeshot Responds, Says Lack of Content was the Issue

In response, Nadeshot, the founder and CEO of 100 Thieves, countered Froste’s claims by stating that The Mob did not produce enough content considering the salary they were receiving. He emphasized the importance of meeting content expectations. Streamer Classify, who was also part of The Mob, defended himself by claiming to have dedicated endless hours to streaming.

Classify’s Dedication and Efforts for 100 Thieves

Classify, the popular streamer, highlighted his commitment to 100 Thieves during his time with the organization. He mentioned consistently creating YouTube videos, streaming extensively, and even working on solo projects like his Discord Talent Show. Classify also made himself available for any content shoots required by 100 Thieves, and kept a log of his activities to demonstrate his loyalty. Despite his efforts, he was eventually released from the organization along with the rest of The Mob.

Value of Content Beyond Numbers

Classify expressed his belief that content should be about showcasing people, their personalities, and the passion they put into it, rather than focusing solely on numbers. He found it stressful to constantly be judged based solely on numerical metrics and felt hurt by that approach.

Nadeshot defended Classify during a livestream and acknowledged his hard work and dedication, stating that Classify had put in the most effort out of anyone in The Mob. Classify thanked Nadeshot for his support, considering it the affirmation he had sought.