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Exclusive: Hasan’s infamously ill-timed ad break steals spotlight during The Game Awards

HasanAbi’s Untimely Ad Break at The Game Awards

Last night, HasanAbi, known for his opinionated political commentary, made a crucial mistake during his Twitch stream at The Game Awards. He started an ad break at the worst possible moment.

With the top of the hour approaching, Hasan knew he needed to start a three-minute ad break soon. However, since he was co-streaming The Game Awards, he wanted to ensure that viewers didn’t miss any important parts of the show.

Earlier in his broadcast, Hasan ran ad breaks while the event was showing its own commercials. But this time, as The Game Awards’ orchestra played a beautifully composed mashup of Game of the Year nominees, Hasan made a cringe-worthy mistake akin to Al Pacino’s surprise appearance on the show.

Just before the orchestral brilliance reached its end, Hasan started a three-minute ad, unaware that the song was about to finish. Instead of saving viewers to witness the Game of the Year winner, he inadvertently prevented them from seeing it.

“Okay, that was poorly timed,” he admitted. “I apologize for that one. That was not a good… I thought the song would continue, but I was wrong. That’s my bad.”

Realizing his mistake immediately, Hasan could only cover his face in embarrassment as the winner for Game of the Year, Elden Ring, was announced just 35 seconds after he started the ad break. Ironically, players of Elden Ring who have experienced mistimed actions in the game can probably relate to his feelings.

Fortunately, the commercials ended before the conclusion of the From Software acceptance speech, allowing non-subscribers to Hasan’s channel to catch the tail end of the show. This included a peculiar incident involving a random teenager crashing the stage.