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Esfand attributes viewers’ negativity as a contributing factor to Asmongold’s streaming hiatus

Asmongold Plans to Return to Streaming amidst Toxicity Concerns

Asmongold recently announced his plan to make a comeback to streaming in a YouTube video. Fellow WoW streamer Esfand expressed empathy towards Asmongold after watching the video.

Esfand paused Asmongold’s YouTube post after listening to it for more than 30 minutes to discuss the detrimental role played by toxic viewers in demotivating streamers like Asmongold.

Esfand expressed his concern about the lack of positivity towards Asmongold, asking, “When was the last time you saw someone say something nice about him?” He highlighted how the constant negativity from viewers, despite having high numbers, takes a toll on streamers’ mental well-being.

In his video, Asmongold mentioned his intention to return to streaming within the next week or so. Although he did not specify an exact date, he stated that he does not plan to wait longer than two to three weeks.

Esfand, a popular WoW streamer himself, acknowledged that although he hasn’t achieved the same level of success as Asmongold, he believes that the problem lies in the fact that viewers who dislike Asmongold are more vocal than those who appreciate his personality.

“I’m not saying that there aren’t supportive people,” Esfand emphasized, “but it seems like the haters are louder than the supporters.”

Asmongold, streaming, toxicity, WoW, return, Esfand, viewers, motivation, negativity, mental well-being