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Dr. DisRespect falls victim to hacking on Twitch and Twitter

Twitch Streamer Dr. Disrespect’s Stream and Twitter Account Hacked Simultaneously

Today, popular Twitch streamer Guy “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm experienced a hack on both his Fortnite stream and Twitter account. During his stream, the hacker took over and replaced his usual broadcast with an image promoting a Discord server. The image contained random words and photos, along with an explicit message directed at someone named Graham Clark.

The hacker also gave mod capabilities to a user named “sauceisdaddy” who began spamming a link to a Twitter account with a similar name. However, the messages from this user were continuously deleted until they were eventually banned.

At the same time, Dr. Disrespect started sending out strange tweets. One of the tweets urged followers to join the account @notplugwalkjoe, which has since been taken down. It appears that these tweets have already been removed from his feed. The entire incident only lasted around 30 minutes.

While the details of the hack and how the hacker gained access to Dr. Disrespect’s accounts are still unknown, both Twitch and Twitter are aware of the situation.

Twitch streamer, Dr. Disrespect, hack, Twitter, Fortnite, Discord, spam, mod capabilities