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Cory Kenshin alleges YouTube’s bias towards creators, citing favoritism and racial discrimination

Popular YouTuber Cory Kenshin Speaks Out Against YouTube’s Age Restrictions

Today, popular YouTuber Cory Kenshin expressed his frustration with YouTube, accusing the platform of favoritism and possible racism when it comes to applying age restrictions on videos.

This comes after Kenshin personally experienced age restrictions on his videos of the game “The Mortuary Assistant” that he posted earlier this month.

Kenshin Shares his Concerns

Before delving into the details of his grievances, Kenshin wanted to make it clear that he was trying to remain composed and provide all relevant information.

In his video, Kenshin stated, “YouTube, you guys either play favorites, you are racist, or it’s a mix of the two.”

An Unequal Treatment

After noticing that his video had an age restriction while others with the same game did not, Kenshin decided to appeal. However, his initial appeal was rejected. It was only when he pointed out that another popular YouTuber, Markiplier, had a similar video without an age restriction that Kenshin’s video restriction was lifted.

Feeling frustrated that he had to provide evidence from a more popular white creator to have his appeal accepted, Kenshin expressed his concerns to his YouTube representative via email.

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After the email exchange and conversations with his YouTube representative, Kenshin noticed that his video once again had an age restriction. Surprisingly, Markiplier’s video now also had an age restriction.

Kenshin stated, “They got caught with their pants down. They got called out, and then they had to go back and say, ‘Oh woah woah woah, we see the narrative he’s kind of pushing here. We need to take some steps back.'”

Throughout the video, Kenshin explains how he believes the situation was unfair and that his channel receives more scrutiny compared to others.

While Kenshin accuses YouTube of racism, he admits that it is difficult to prove definitively whether race played a role in his situation.

Kenshin said, “How do you expressly prove that someone is a racist unless they’re spamming the N-word in the chat? Admittedly, I cannot prove 100 percent that race had everything to do with this.”

YouTube has not yet responded publicly to Kenshin’s claims. We will update this article if we receive any comments from YouTube or Markiplier regarding Kenshin’s video.