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Complexity Limit achieves World First kill of Sludgefist in Castle Nathria

Complexity Limit Claims World First Kill on Sludgefist in Castle Nathria Race

This morning, Complexity Limit achieved a significant milestone in the Castle Nathria Race to World First in World of Warcraft.

On just the fourth day of the race, Sludgefist, the eighth boss out of 10 in Castle Nathria, proved to be the toughest challenge for Limit and other leading guilds.

Limit emerged victorious after 167 attempts, which included several near-wipes at less than one-percent health last night.

After only a few initial pulls on Sludgefist, Limit temporarily paused their progress due to a suspected bug that caused him to deal amplified damage with his Chain Slam ability.

Following some heroic splits, the guild resumed their efforts on the boss, known for its massive physical damage and high DPS requirement.

Limit’s completion of Sludgefist allowed Echo, Pieces, Method, and Aversion to catch up. These guilds have now defeated seven out of the 10 bosses in the raid.

The number of attempts it took to defeat Sludgefist is nearly three times greater than the combined attempts it took for Limit to clear all the other bosses in Castle Nathria.

Before Sludgefist, Limit had 62 attempts on previous bosses. The boss with the second highest number of attempts was Sun King’s Salvation at just 19. The first four bosses only required 10 or fewer attempts, while the other two bosses were defeated in 15 or fewer attempts.

Currently, Echo, the second-place team in the race, has made 87 attempts on Sludgefist, with their best pull bringing the boss’s health down to 11.4 percent.