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Cheater Fails Miserably to Qualify in Fall Guys During Shroud’s Stream

A Funny Twist in Shroud’s Stream Reveals a Cheater in Fall Guys

Cheaters often have an unfair advantage over their competition, leading to easy wins. But during one of Shroud’s recent streams, things took an unexpected turn.

In a clip from the stream, Shroud can be seen playing Gate Crash, one of Fall Guy’s popular game modes. As he spectates the remaining players, something strange catches his eye.

A Player’s Failed Attempt at Cheating

A player seemed to be using a speed hack to move much faster than intended. However, this backfired as they approached the slime slide towards the final gates. Their increased speed made it difficult for them to control their Fall Guy, and they failed to make the jump to safety. In the end, the cheater failed to qualify and was eliminated from the game.

Fall Guys Developers Combat Cheating

The developers of Fall Guys are actively addressing the issue of cheating. The game’s anti-cheat system reportedly takes action against cheaters after their matches, banning them from future competitions.

Exciting Updates Await Fall Guys Fans

Despite the challenges of cheating, Fall Guys continues to release new content. In the upcoming second season starting on Oct. 6, players can expect new game modes and surprises like the “Big Yeetus”—a spinning hammer that randomly appears in levels to shake things up.