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Chat bans on Twitch result in automatic unfollowing of banned users from the channel

Twitch Implements Update to Ban System and Unfollows Banned Users Automatically

Twitch has recently made changes to its banning system, now automatically unfollowing users from a channel when they are banned from the streamer’s chat. Twitch partner and streamer CommanderRoot confirmed this new feature.

CommanderRoot further explained how the ban and unfollow interaction works. Once banned, a user can still choose to immediately re-follow the channel, but only blocking a user will prevent them from following again. Timeouts, on the other hand, do not remove followers.

Previously, to force an unfollow from the channel, a streamer had to block banned audience members. This change is likely a response to the widespread harassment that resulted in the #ADayOffTwitch protest and the subsequent implementation of various chat safety features. Twitch has also introduced solutions to combat chat toxicity, including a two-step phone verification option for chatters.

However, some users have raised concerns about the potential consequences of this new chat feature. Light-hearted or joking bans from streamers or chat moderators could inadvertently harm the channel, as users may be unaware that they were unfollowed, causing a reduction in the streamer’s overall follower count.

Twitch has not yet officially announced this change to its banning system, but it is already implemented in chats across the platform. Despite the potential effects, this update adds another tool to safeguard streams against harassment.