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Certain YouTubers are allegedly not receiving ad revenue on monetized videos

YouTubers experiencing revenue issues on YouTube platform

Many YouTubers around the world have been facing problems with the YouTube platform since July 16. Despite ads still being shown on their content, these creators have reported that their highest-performing videos are no longer generating revenue.

Ads still playing, but revenue not being earned

Content creators who are affected by this issue have noticed that their videos are still receiving the same number of views and ads are still being played. However, the YouTube Studio backend shows that they are not earning any advertising revenue on multiple videos, even though monetization is active.

Creators express frustration over loss of revenue

The problem seems to be widespread, with content creators expressing their concerns on social media about losing the revenue they were previously earning without any issues. Some YouTubers have reached out to TeamYouTube or YouTube Creator support, only to be told that the loss is “normal” or given unhelpful answers that do not solve the problem.

One content creator, How to Digital, received a response from YouTube claiming that this issue is a bug. However, it is unclear whether this is indeed a bug or if it is a larger problem affecting the platform and its content creators as a whole.

Potential impact on earnings

The revenue loss does not appear to be related to copyright issues or strikes and has seemingly affected content creators randomly and without warning. This could result in creators potentially missing out on significant earnings for the month, amounting to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

While YouTube provides revenue estimations on the backend, there is a possibility that the revenue is still being earned but not reported accurately due to the bug. Until YouTube addresses the situation and provides an explanation, content creators are left uncertain and hoping for reimbursement for their potential lost earnings on the platform.

has reached out to YouTube for comment on this situation.