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Castle Nathria: Updates to Stone Legion Generals and Sire Denathrius in RWF

Blizzard Nerfs Mythic Castle Nathria Bosses for Race to World First

In preparation for the Race to World First in World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment has made adjustments to the Mythic Castle Nathria raid. The latest changes involve hotfixes to the two final encounters.

Castle Nathria: Updates to Stone Legion Generals and Sire Denathrius in RWF

Stone Legion Generals: The Impasse

The guilds Complexity Limit and Echo, who are currently leading the race, have been struggling to defeat the penultimate boss, Stone Legion Generals. Despite numerous attempts, they have been unable to progress past the second phase of the fight.

The difficulty lies in the intermission phase, specifically the high DPS check. When the Stone Legion Commandos reach 20 percent health, they activate Volatile Stone Shell, which absorbs a significant amount of damage and grants immunity to area of effect abilities for four seconds. If the shield is not broken in time, it explodes and wipes out the raid.

However, Blizzard has stepped in to nerf Volatile Stone Shell, reducing its absorb damage from 272,493 to 246,123. This adjustment should make the phase more manageable for raiders, eliminating the need to use unnecessary cooldowns.

Final Boss Sire Denathrius Receives Buffs

As for the raid’s 10th and final boss, Sire Denathrius, Blizzard has implemented last-minute adjustments to ensure he is on par with Stone Legion Generals and Sludgefist.

Mythic Stone Legion Generals Nerfs

  • Volatile Stone Shell: The Stone Legion Commandos now absorb 246,123 damage (previously 272,493) when they encase themselves in a stone shell at 20 percent health. If the shield is not broken before the channel ends, Stone Shell Detonation is triggered.

Mythic Sire Denathrius Buffs

  • Blood Price: Denathrius torments players with Burden of Sin, rendering them unable to move or act for 3.5 seconds. When the effect expires, players explode and deal shadow damage to others with the same number of Burden of Sin stacks.
  • Burden of Sin: All players start with six stacks of Burden of Sin, which inflict shadow damage every two seconds.
  • Fatal Finesse: Denathrius targets random players and slashes them after five seconds, dealing shadow damage over time.
  • Impale: Remornia impales random players, causing physical damage to all players in her path.
  • Insatiable Hunger: Deals physical damage to players near the Night Hunter’s target while healing Denathrius.
  • Nathrian Hymn: Duskhollow, Evershade, Gloomveil, and Sinsear: Perform a dark ritual in honor of Denathrius, causing shadow damage to nearby players and increasing damage taken from specific bosses.

Castle Nathria: Updates to Stone Legion Generals and Sire Denathrius in RWF