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BoxBox outwits xQc with a flawless trap on the OTV and Friends Rust server

Unexpected Trap on the OTV and Friends Rust Server Leaves xQc in Shock

The renowned OTV and Friends Rust server continues to deliver jaw-dropping moments even after migrating to the RP-based server known as “The Divide.”

In a recent stream, xQc fell victim to a clever trap set by fellow streamer BoxBox. After losing all his scrap while gambling at the server’s casino, xQc was led by BoxBox to a new building under the pretense of receiving a generous gift of 200 scrap for a “study.”

To xQc’s surprise, upon entering the building and answering a phone call in the center, the room transformed into a death trap. The walls began closing in, accompanied by electricity that severely harmed the streamer.

BoxBox shared the clip on Twitter, expressing that it took him three hours to construct the trap, but witnessing xQc’s reaction made it all worthwhile.

Although the promised study turned out to be a deception, xQc still provided feedback in exchange for the gifted scrap.

Reflecting on the incident, xQc explained, “The pictures were bad enough that I was getting tortured and then he called me and the doors closed and then I got the real torture. It was physical and mental torture simultaneously, this was one of the worst experiences I’ve had in the longest time.”