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Asmongold shares criticism of Twitch, commends YouTube for VOD quality

Asmongold Criticizes Twitch, Praises YouTube for VOD Quality

Asmongold, a popular Twitch streamer and World of Warcraft content creator, recently expressed his dissatisfaction with Twitch’s video on demand (VOD) quality. He praised YouTube as a preferable alternative.

In a recent stream, Asmongold highlighted various issues he faced with Twitch’s VODs. He criticized the platform for frequently deleting older VODs without any notice, making it challenging for content creators to preserve their work. This issue was particularly disheartening for Asmongold, as he felt it erased a part of his streaming history.

Additionally, Asmongold pointed out that Twitch’s transcoding options were limited, which affected the viewing experience for his audience. He mentioned how viewers with lower internet speeds struggled to watch his streams due to the lack of quality options. In contrast, YouTube provides a variety of quality settings, allowing viewers to choose what suits them best.

Moreover, Asmongold appreciated YouTube’s VOD quality, emphasizing its sharpness and stability. He believes that YouTube’s infrastructure is more reliable for storing and delivering VOD content compared to Twitch, enhancing the viewing experience for his audience.

Transitioning his VODs to YouTube, Asmongold expressed relief and joy. He commended YouTube’s user-friendly interface and improved discoverability, providing easier access to his content. As a result, he expressed his intention to prioritize YouTube as the primary platform for his VODs moving forward.

Furthermore, Asmongold acknowledged that making this switch might result in a reduction of concurrent viewers on his Twitch streams. However, he prioritized the long-term benefits of YouTube’s VOD platform over the short-term impact on his viewership numbers.

In conclusion, Asmongold’s dissatisfaction with Twitch’s VOD quality led him to praise YouTube as a superior alternative. He highlighted Twitch’s issues with deleting VODs and limited transcoding options, while YouTube impressed him with its reliability and user-friendly interface. Asmongold’s decision to prioritize YouTube for his VODs reflects his belief in the platform’s advantages for both him and his audience.