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An Exciting New Feature on Twitch Allows Viewers to Provide Anonymous Feedback to Streamers

Twitch Introduces Experimental Feature to Gauge Viewer Reactions

Twitch is constantly innovating and testing new features for its platform. The latest experiment is called “Reactions,” which aims to help creators understand the overall mood of their broadcast.

Anonymously Share Feedback During Streams

“Reactions” is currently available to a limited number of creators and allows viewers to anonymously provide feedback during streams. Viewers can select and submit an emote that represents their broader feelings such as “hype,” “funny,” or “love.”

Cooldown and Analysis

To prevent spamming, Reactions have a cooldown period. Streamers can later analyze their streams based on timestamped reactions given by viewers. The reaction analysis can be found in the viewer engagement section of a creator’s Twitch page.

Gradual Expansion of the Experiment

The experiment for this feature has just begun, so it may not be available on all channels. Twitch typically starts experiments with a small number of channels and gradually expands over time. Eventually, it may become a platform-wide feature for all creators to use.

Right now, Twitch is conducting two variations of the experiment. One shows creators data in their viewer engagement panel, while the other provides a broad overall reaction count to streamers.

If a channel is part of the experiment, viewers can react by clicking the “React” button located to the left of the “Follow” and “Subscribe” buttons below the channel’s broadcast. Twitch has not disclosed the duration of the experiment or the number of streamers involved, but it is expected to expand if successful.

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That’s all for now! Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new feature.