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AGDQ 2020 Raises $1 Million, Keeping 7-Year Streak Alive

Games Done Quick Raises Over $1 Million Once Again for Prevent Cancer Foundation

The charitable organization Games Done Quick has achieved an impressive milestone for the seventh consecutive year. During the four-day livestream of Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, the community has already surpassed the $1 million mark in donations to support the Prevent Cancer Foundation and other causes. This ongoing success demonstrates the gaming community’s commitment to philanthropy and making a positive impact.

During the captivating Destiny 2 Last Wish speedrun, the audience erupted in excitement as the runners prepared to tackle the raid’s more challenging segment. It was only when a spectator shouted “1 million” that the commentators finally understood the cause for celebration. This moment exemplifies the dedication and enthusiasm of both the runners and the viewers.

The event’s success is the result of numerous talented speedrunners collaborating to deliver an extraordinary charity event. Despite already achieving the $1 million milestone, there are still two full days of continuous 24-hour streams remaining, providing an opportunity to surpass previous fundraising records.

Each year, Games Done Quick raises the bar by delivering an abundance of engaging content in every segment. Speedrunners, like Sinister1 and Zallard1, continue to innovate and entertain with impressive achievements, such as completing Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! while blindfolded and sharing a controller.

Similar to previous Games Done Quick events, detailed explanations are provided to ensure viewers can fully comprehend the intricacies of each speedrun.

The previous Summer Games Done Quick event raised a record-breaking $3,039,596. While Awesome Games Done Quick 2020 is currently below that pace, there is still plenty of time for donations to flow in before the event concludes on January 12, around 1 a.m.

Games Done Quick, video games, gaming community, charity, Prevent Cancer Foundation, fundraising efforts, speedrunners, AGDQ 2020, livestream, donations, achievement, milestone.